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Edit Poly modifier support: Smart Extrude has been extended into the Edit Poly modifier, providing the same functionality and features users have come to love from the Editable Poly implementation.

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  • In 3ds Max 2022, users are notified when a new version of the Scene Security Tools is available on the Autodesk App Store.
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    The malware removal functionality is powered by the Scene Security Tools plugin, which is updated whenever Autodesk becomes aware of a new malicious script. This prevents the spread of malicious code to other users.

  • The Malware Removal functionality detects and removes known malicious scripts from scene files and startup scripts.
  • NET commands, by blocking the execution of unsafe commands.
  • Safe Scene Script Execution offers protection against malicious scripts embedded in 3ds Max scene files, regardless of whether these scripts use Maxscript, Python or.
  • You will also find speed improvements throughout your process from installation to rendering and see that 3ds Max Python 3 is now set as the default Python interpreter.
  • Focused on workflow efficiency, easy-to-use texturing and rendering tools, and offering a safe and secure workspace environment, 3ds Max now has new rendering capabilities added to Arnold, a new Bake to Texture functionality, and enhanced features to popular modeling tools.
  • Taking speed and security one step further
  • Accelerate manual steps to boost productivity.
  • Extend built-in workflows with accessible APIs.
  • Use 3ds Max as a compute engine to scale content production.
  • Work faster and meet deadlines with 3ds Maxģds Max lets you scale your workflow with automation, allowing you to spend more time on creativity.
  • Iterate and produce high quality renders and variations faster.
  • Work faster with an artist-friendly user experience and intuitive controls.
  • Save time with centralized creative tools for interactive light mixing, color correction, and lens effects on the rendered image.
  • The built-in Arnold renderer provides a rich experience and can handle your more complex characters, scenes, and effects.
  • Bring characters and features to life with animation and VFX.
  • Model finely detailed interiors and objects.
  • Visualize high-quality architectural renderings.
  • 3ds Max offers a rich and flexible toolset to create premium designs with full artistic control.

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